CHARM-EU Days 2024: Registration is open for the Annual Conference
How does culture shape our identities, influence our perspectives, and inform our interactions within an increasingly interconnected world? As part of the CHARM-EU Days 2024, our Annual Conference examines the issue of culture in deepening transnational and inter-institutional collaboration within and beyond Alliances.
European higher education reflects the rich diversity of cultures within the continent with various types of institutions representing differing geographical, historical, cultural and lingual perspectives. European University Alliances operate in an intercultural and boundary-spanning atmosphere since their establishment and have a unique position that comes with both challenges and opportunities. Complementing our Annual Conference with the first ever CHARM-EU Cultural Festival on the 5th and 6th of November, the CHARM-EU Days 2024 will focus on the broad concept of culture and intercultural learning, embracing the diversity within European University Alliances and celebrating it as a source of strength and inspiration.
Through a series of keynote speech, panel discussions and workshops, the Annual Conference will focus on the professional aspects of languages, cultures as well as intercultural learning, uncovering opportunities and challenges for European University Alliances. The event will bring together students, staff members, representatives from fellow alliances, policymakers and external stakeholders. Complementing the conference, the first CHARM-EU Cultural Festival is aimed at showcasing CHARM-EU members’ languages and cultures and engaging visitors in activities that provide insight into CHARM-EU cultures in a playful way.
Registration is now open, find out more about the programme and register on the website of the conference.