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Programme structure and content creation guidelines: MSc in Global Challenges for Sustainability


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This document consists of a Programme Structure building on the Curriculum Design Blueprint (Work Package 3). For each phase (Preparatory, Flexible, Capstone/Final Project) it gives an overview of detailed module learning outcomes, learning activities and content. Programme and module content was developed by Knowledge Creation Teams (KCTs). Work Package 4 supported KCTs in further refining and implementing teaching practices with the educationalists and help from other Work Packages (e.g. Inclusivity and Mobility).


This document collates the module descriptors for the MSc in Global Challenges for Sustainability.

Within these descriptors the following details are provided, which describe the overall programme structure:

Module details

Module design and content

Module high-level learning aims:

Connection with other phases and modules:

Module Learning Outcomes

Types of learning activities

Study materials

Mobility activity in the module

Module timetable (CET time)

Literature/reading list



A total of nine module descriptors are provided for the Preparatory Phase including the modules:  Sustainability, Social Innovation, Transdisciplinary Research Methods. The Flexible phase including modules from Water, Food, and Life & Health. These are:

Extremes in the Water Cycle and Their Complex Consequences

Adaptation Measures and Strategies in Water Management

Resilient Cities: Water in Urban Environments

The Food-Health-Environment Nexus

Food Systems and their Transformations

Socially Just and Sustainable Food Systems

Health systems and policies

Health challenges

Healthy lives and wellbeing

Finally, the module descriptors are described for the last phase of the programme: The Capstone.