Registration opened for second edition of the CHARM-EU Master's in Global Challenges for Sustainability
The second edition of the innovative Master’s in Global Challenges for Sustainability starts in September 2022. Interested students can apply until 8 March 2022. The degree is accredited and jointly awarded by the five CHARM-EU partner universities: University of Barcelona, Trinity College Dublin, Utrecht University, Eötvös Loránd University and University of Montpellier.
Transdisciplinary character
The master's programme in Global Challenges for Sustainability has a transdisciplinary character and focuses on concrete social issues on water, food and health. To be able to tackle these issues, students from different backgrounds are selected. The programme consists of three compulsory phases. In the ‘preparatory phase’, the focus is on acquiring general skills, especially in the field of sustainability, social innovation and transdisciplinary research. Then, in the 'flexible phase', students choose a module on water, food or life & health. In the 'capstone phase', students do a project on a sustainability challenge, in cooperation with a social partner. The 90ECTS programme lasts 1.5 years and is a unique opportunity to obtain an accredited master’s degree jointly awarded by the CHARM-EU partners’ universities.
Innovative programme
The master's programme has several innovative aspects, including a flexible course structure, integrated mobility, a broad content focus, a transdisciplinary approach, emphasis on inclusiveness and challenge-based education. It also uses programmatic testing in which students reflect on the strength of their own disciplinary approach and on what they learn from other disciplines. Feedback from the students currently following the master’s programme will be incorporated to optimise the programme.
Mobility as a key feature
Mobility is a norm in CHARM-EU and is embedded in the curricula, thus you will be offered a predefined set of mobility options. The mobility actions always need to be related to your academic path!
Students start the programme at one of the participating universities. In the first phase, the programme is hybrid, with face-to-face teaching and virtual teaching, for example when the lecturer is in one of the other European cities. In phase two and three, students can broaden their horizons and continue their studies at one of the partners.
Who can apply?
The master’s in Global Challenges for Sustainability is aimed at graduates of any discipline from diverse backgrounds who want to acquire advanced knowledge of sustainability by addressing real and global societal challenges. Students will learn challenge analysis skills and extend their capabilities to address and develop solutions for complex problems.
Applicants will need to hold at least a bachelor’s degree or recognised equivalent to a bachelor’s degree. In the case of students with a French License, they will need an additional 30 ECTS for admission. This is subject to changes in French legal requirements. An English language certification (C1) is necessary for programme admission.
Applications closes 8 March 2022. Apply now here!