Last year, the European Commission launched a call for European University Alliances to examine and facilitate the delivery of a joint European degree label. The ED-AFFICHE Project consortium is composed of six university alliances (Una Europa, 4EU+, CHARM-EU, EC2U, EU-CONEXUS, and Unite!) and 51 higher education institutions from 22 different countries have secured European support. 

In consultations with experts, the ED-AFFICHE consortium will propose possible improvements to the criteria associated with the European degree label and co-develop recommendations on the possible assessment procedure, as well as the design and delivery of a future European Degree label. 

Together, the consortium has been successful in securing the support of 19 national and regional ministries in charge of higher education as well as 15 national accreditation and quality assurance agencies. It is the exchange of best practices between those actors and the open dialogue with their universities that carries the real potential to move forward the Europan Higher Education Area.  

"We saw potential in this call to pilot the European Degree label that goes beyond the immediate objectives of this policy initiative and the lifetime of the project. With this powerhouse of a consortium, we hope to bring about tangible progress towards our common aim of making the development and implementation of joint degrees in Europe a less complex and resource-intensive undertaking. We aim to achieve meaningful impact for all types of universities across the European Higher Education Area”, says Professor Luc Sels, Rector of KU Leuven, representing Una Europa in this project consortium.


EC press point by Commissioner Mariya GABRIEL, Belgian Minister of the Government of the Federation Wallonia-Brussels Valérie GLATIGNY and Rector of KU Leuven (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven) Luc SELS

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