

Tackling Climate Challenges in Botswana: A CHARM-EU Student Initiative

Climate change is one of the most significant global challenges we face today. Addressing its impacts requires innovative solutions and collaborative efforts. A project undertaken by students from CHARM-EU’s MSc “Global Challenges for Sustainability” is providing exactly this type of effort: understanding agricultural systems vulnerability to climate change – the case of Botswana in the Limpopo River basin. 

The RAUN has been an adventure that has profoundly added to my time in CHARM-EU, Sophia Healy, CHARM-EU student

Insights from CHARM-EU Students at the UN's Regional Academy

Last autumn, four students from the CHARM-EU Master’s in Global Challenges for Sustainability Anouk Kelhout, Liv Angerer, Melissa Dachrodt, and Sophia Healy were selected to participate in the prestigious 2023 Regional Academy for United Nations (RAUN). The programme concluded in April 2024 with a three-day conference at the UN Headquarters in Vienna.