Capstone hackathon in Utrecht: programme of the capstone module worked out by students and academic actors

Group photo in a garden with an old building behind
Thu, 19/05/2022 - 16:11

In Utrecht, twenty CHARM-EU members have been working on the capstone phase programme for the Master's Global Challenges for Sustainability. Participants of this hackathon held on 16 and 17 May were from all CHARM-EU partner universities.

Real-World Challenges on the spotlight

In the capstone phase, the third and final phase of the first edition of the master's programme, students work on authentic, real-world and transdisciplinary challenges. The first capstone phase starts on 5 September 2022 and will last until 30 January 2023. During this period, students, academic and extra-academic actors come together and identify, investigate and address challenges. Thirty-three diverse and challenging challenges have already been formulated.

Overall, the objectives of the capstone phase include synthesis of prior learning, refinement of skills, development of personal attributes, preparation of students for future careers, facilitation of academic and extra-academic linkages, solving challenges, supporting of staff research activities, and quality assurance of graduates.

External stakeholders

The capstone phase reflects the core principles of the CHARM-EU Master’s programme and is of naturally based on the Programme Learning Outcomes. During the hackathon in Utrecht the participants formulated the detailed module descriptors. They discussed topics such as assessments, week-by-week schedules, skill development workshops, mobility activities and guidelines and procedures for supervisors.

Carole-Anne Sénit, member of the capstone core team, emphasizes the importance of the external stakeholders: "They come up with societal challenges and work together with students and supervisors to address sustainability issues. It is important that they value interdisciplinary approaches and inclusiveness in operationalizing the challenge. And that they are prepared to invest time in the capstone phase to provide expertise, tools, methods and guidelines. And that is why it is important that we also elaborate on their role in the capstone phase during the hackathon."