ED-AFFICHE database of collaborative programmes

hands on computers + ED-AFFICHE logos + EC logo


The database presented here serves the purpose of mapping collaborative programmes involving universities within the ED AFFICHE consortium. It is an as complete as possible list of international programmes that could qualify for the European degree label or qualification, depending on the criteria that will eventually be chosen.

This database was meticulously assembled by distributing a questionnaire in June 2023 to the universities participating in the six alliances associated with ED-AFFICHE. Furthermore, universities were given the opportunity to provide feedback on the final version of the database. It is crucial to acknowledge that this database may not encompass all existing joint programmes, as it was developed using a bottom-up approach.

Generic programmes and qualifications

Find the Generic programmes and qualifications here.


Find the Education programmes here

Arts and humanities

Find the Arts and humanities programmes here

Social Sciences, Journalism and Information

Find the Social Sciences, Journalism and Information programmes here

Business, Administration and Law

Find the Business, Administration and Law programmes here

Natural sciences, mathematics and statistics

Find the Natural sciences, mathematics and statistics programmes here

Information and Communication Technologies

Find the Information and Communication Technologies programmes here

Engineering, Manufacturing and Construction

Find the Engineering, Manufacturing and Construction programmes here

Agriculture, Forestry, Fisheries and Veterinary

Find the Agriculture, Forestry, Fisheries and Veterinary programmes here

Health and Welfare

Find the Health and Welfare programmes here.


Find the Transdisciplinar programmes here.