CHARM-EU Alumni group created on LinkedIn

Join the CHARM-EU LinkedIn Alumni group!
Mon, 24/04/2023 - 09:52

The CHARM-EU office has set up a LinkedIn group for Alumni to meet, communicate, ask for and give support. Keep in touch with your fellow students, and welcome to the fold the new graduates as the CHARM-EU community grows with each challenge accepted and conquered. 

With the first CHARM-EU graduates now out in the world, putting their skills and experience to good use, and the process of recruiting students for the next round of the master’s program, it’s clear that the CHARM family is set to be expanding for years to come. 

We are many, we’re spread out far, and we would like to keep in touch.  

As a CHARM-EU graduate, you are invited to join our LinkedIn Alumni group where you can connect with your peers and build your professional network.  

The group seeks to build a lifelong link between the CHARM-EU alliance and its alumni. Within it we hope to share opportunities for life-long learning, initiatives for research and innovation, as well as other offers that might be of interest for you, be it for jobs, internships or project participations. 

You’re welcome to share with all of us how you feel your studies at CHARM have helped you in your careers, what skills you may have gained or improved. This is also a place where you can reach out to the CHARM alumni and ask for help, guidance and support.