
Obstacles for Transnational Collaboration (Deliverable 3.1)

This comprehensive document brings together countries sharing similar experiences, good practices, and innovative legislative approaches to tackle the challenges associated with joint programmes. It has been written after consultations with legal experts from universities and consultations with national and regional authorities. The document is divided into 5 different categories: Accreditation, Quality Assurance of New Programmes, Flexible Learning Paths, Curricula, and Governance Structures.

It was crafted through consultations with legal experts from universities partners of ED-AFFICHE. The document is structured into five categories: Accreditation, Quality Assurance of New Programmes, Flexible Learning Paths, Curricula, and Governance Structures. Each section addresses existing obstacles, potential solutions, and proposed legislations. This comparative analysis laid the groundwork for the discussions with authorities and set the stage for the ED-AFFICHE "Policy Report on Best Practices and Recommendations for the Future Development and Implementation of Joint Programmes in Europe" (D3.2). The document's refinement was enriched by feedback from legal experts within the consortium's universities.

Comparative analysis of the criteria associated to the European Degree label and the process behind it (Deliverable 4.1)

This document consolidates perspectives from diverse stakeholders, including joint programmes directors or coordinators from ED-AFFICHE partner and associated partner universities, national and regional authorities, QA and accreditation agencies, employers, and notably, students and PhD students. It aims to assess the criteria proposed by the European Commission concerning the European Degree label.

For each criterion, the authors succinctly present the viewpoints of various stakeholders on its relevance and feasibility, wherever available. Additionally, the document includes recommendations for enhancing and refining each criterion as deemed necessary.

Consolidated Report on Outcomes of European Degree Criteria Mapping Exercise (Deliverable 2.2)

The document succinctly presents findings from the ED-AFFICHE questionnaire, gathering insights from joint programme directors and coordinators. It captures their perspectives on the European degree label, associated criteria, and their views on possible barriers to joint degrees within their respective countries. Complementing questionnaire responses, interviews were conducted through focus groups organized by Country.

Organized into three main sections, the document includes a summary profiling the respondents, a comprehensive mapping of the applicability of the proposed criteria for the joint European Degree label, and an analysis of perceived barriers. This analysis is viewed through the lens of academic directors, coordinators of joint programmes, and involved administrative staff with potential contrasts explored in comparison to legal experts' perspectives and ED-AFFICHE's analysis of obstacles to transnational collaboration.

The primary goal of this document is to offer a comprehensive overview of the application of proposed criteria associated with the European Degree label in existing joint programmes. It sheds light on perceived obstacles hindering increased collaboration among universities. Furthermore, it provides recommendations to incentivize programme directors and coordinators to pursue the European Degree label or find motivation in it to forge new collaborations.

ED-AFFICHE Policy Report on best practices & recommendations on the future development & implementation of joint programmes in Europe (Deliverable 3.2)

This document is a follow-up to the ED-AFFICHE 3.1 Deliverable titled “ED-AFFICHE Analysis of the Obstacles for Transnational Collaboration in Higher Education” in which the ED-AFFICHE Consortium mapped and analyzed legal obstacles in 20 countries and ranked them in a color-coded grid. The present deliverable 3.2, “ED-AFFICHE Policy Report on best practices & recommendations on the future development & implementation of joint programmes in Europe” compasses an overview of solutions for these obstacles derived from consultations with legal experts at university partners and associated entities of ED-AFFICHE, alongside policy recommendations tailored for the European Commission and member states. The strength of the ED-AFFICHE approach and proposed solutions, lies in the diversity and impressive aggregation of feedback, data, and opinions collected over the one-year timeframe of ED-AFFICHE, encompassing input from national and regional authorities, students, employers, quality assurance agencies, university staff, and beyond.

This deliverable provides an overview of the legal context for transnational collaboration among universities within each of the 22 countries represented in ED-AFFICHE, accompanied by recommendations aimed at facilitating smoother implementation processes for HEIs.

ED-AFFICHE Policy Recommendations on the Future of the European Degree (label) (Deliverable 4.2) 

This document offers extensive policy recommendations, drawing from input gathered from various stakeholders including students, quality assurance agencies, employers, university legal experts, joint programme coordinators, and national authorities. Its aim is to provide comprehensive guidance to the European Commission, member states, universities, and quality assurance agencies on implementing the European Degree Label and, to some extent, the European Degree.

Titled "ED-AFFICHE Policy Recommendations on the Future of European Degree (Label)", the document outlines key aspects regarding the European Degree Label, including pathways proposed by the European Commission, criteria revisions, verification methods, label and degree design propositions, and concluding recommendations.

Key themes emerging include the need for European Commission coordination, the enhancement of Bologna tools, ongoing collaboration at the national level, and sustained exchange within established expertise communities.