Overcoming Legal Obstacles in Joint Programmes Across Europe


During the ED-AFFICHE national workshop in October 2023, Austrian HEIs highlighted the limitation regarding diploma format and issuance, impeding international ambitions. Promptly, the Ministry proposed a pragmatic solution, showcasing their willingness to support HEIs in overcoming legal barriers to joint programmes.

Czech Republic

Thanks to ED-AFFICHE, discussions centered on introducing European Degree criteria into legislation. Recognizing the lengthy process of legislative updates, stakeholders proposed a practical solution: incorporating criteria into internal ministerial guidelines for expedited implementation while allowing flexibility for future adjustments.


Despite delays in legal changes, HEIs and government officials continue discussions to address obstacles identified by ED-AFFICHE. Recent seminars and meetings underscore ongoing efforts to explore alternative approaches, such as enhancing flexibility for specific types of university diplomas, aligning with European standards while accommodating national regulations.


Greek universities are collaboratively advocating for legislative clarifications and funding equity to support joint programmes. Government responsiveness to universities' requests and its active collaboration with ED-AFFICHE signal a positive outlook for legislative adjustments conducive to international collaboration.


Recent legislative revisions in Italy, including increased curriculum flexibility and recognition of extracurricular activities, highlight proactive steps toward aligning national regulations with European standards. Additionally, ongoing developments, such as the forthcoming platform for international educational agreements, demonstrate Italy's commitment to facilitating transnational collaboration among universities.


In response to legal obstacles identified by ED-AFFICHE, Polish HEIs prepared a comprehensive proposal for legislative amendments, emphasizing concrete changes to enhance the regulatory framework for joint programmes.


The establishment of a permanent group of Spanish Universities participating in European Alliances signifies a proactive approach to address educational needs collaboratively. Through ongoing dialogue between HEIs and governmental bodies, Spain demonstrates a commitment to fostering cooperation and aligning national regulations with European standards.

These success stories exemplify the collective efforts of ED-AFFICHE partners in navigating legal complexities and fostering an environment favorable to international higher education collaboration.

Find more information here: ED-AFFICHE_Annex 7_Countries Report_0.pdf (charm-eu.eu)