
Cover image with photos made during the Second TORCH Annual Forum

Sharing strategies and strengthening cooperation towards the future of R&I

On 8 March 2023, Trinity College Dublin hosted the 2nd TORCH Annual Forum focusing on common R&I policies and strategies. Bringing together representatives of diverse national and international actors within the European research and innovation landscape, the event provided an excellent opportunity to discuss challenges and progress regarding some of the key R&I areas.

World Water Day

CHARM-EU joins the global awareness-raising on Water Day, 22 March 2023

More than ever, being conscious of people and the environment is crucial. On World Water Day, 22nd of March 2023, we raise awareness to be more conscious about local and global actions and impacts. Having water challenges deeply embedded into its core, the CHARM-EU Alliance is committed to raising awareness about the water and sanitation crisis worldwide and educating future generations. Leaders, step by step, create spaces and environments caring for the lives of today and the next generations as well as the communities most affected by global challenges.  

The Knowledge Square

Become part of the Capstone!

If you are part of a company, civil society organisation or you are a policymaker or an academic, and you are interested in submitting a challenge that can be addressed together with our CHARM-EU students, go ahead and send us your challenge by the 24 March at 23:59 CEST.

Poster of the guidelines for restaurants to contribute to marine wellbeing prepared by CHARM-EU students

Saving the ocean, one meal at a time – A challenge-based project developed by CHARM-EU students

During the final phase of the Master’s in Global Challenges for Sustainability, students work on a challenge-based thesis project together with societal stakeholders. One student team explored how restaurants affect marine ecosystems and what sustainable solutions can be implemented to lessen their impact. Read the project summary prepared by them to learn more about their work and the guidelines developed.