Gain international experience from home: apply for our transnational online courses

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Sun, 31/12/2023 - 11:20

Would you like to take part in an innovative European learning experience? Applications are now open for the transnational online courses provided by CHARM-EU partner universities for students interested in expanding their academic portfolio and gaining international experience.

During the next academic semester, CHARM-EU Universities will provide access to a certain set of their on-line courses for the students at the partner universities to facilitate virtual exchange activities. Interested students can get first-hand international experience without physical mobility while gaining credits that could be recognised by their home university.

Example: Martin is studying in the Management and Organisation Master’s programme at Eötvös Loránd University. In the CHARM-EU online course catalogue, he identifies an online course on Digital transformation & organization sustainability offered by a lecturer at the University of Montpellier. He applies for the course and completes it virtually. He then received a transcript of records for 4 ECTS credits that he can submit to be accepted by his university.

If you are ready for an international university challenge, interested in becoming a member of an international student community, then learn more and apply now!

Why should you apply?

  • You can take part in an international learning experience by studying with peers from other countries, backgrounds and disciplines.
  • You can gain experience in international collaboration and connect with other students from around Europe.
  • You can participate in online courses which gives you flexibility to attend from your own home or university.
  • You can earn credits and enhance your academic portfolio in exciting and innovative courses.
  • You can get access to courses that are not available at your home institution.
  • You can increase your future career opportunities by improving your skills and competencies in key areas of employment need.
  • You can learn from acknowledged professors and lecturers from prestigious universities of the CHARM-EU Alliance.
  • You can experience learning online at a CHARM-EU alliance university as a potential stepping stone to future physical mobility.

If you are interested, check out our transnational online course catalogue and apply now. The deadline of application is 15 January, 2024.