The CHARM-EU Podcasts

Two women recording a podcast In order to explore the details of the innovative and unique educational experience CHARM-EU has to offer, we have created an exciting and insightful podcast series! Through these episodes you’ll hear more about the European Green Deal, the ‘Global Challenges in Sustainability’ master’s, the CHARM mobility experience, and much more!

Tune in to learn about the university of the future!

Listen to all our NEW episodes at: 

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Episode 22 | Discussing Youth Skills Day w/ CHARM-EU DEI Office

Image removed.In today's episode of the CHARM-EU podcast, we sat down with CHARM-EU Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Office (DEI) members Tamar Aprahamian from Utrecht University, and Florian Bergonhe from the University of Montpellier.

Together, we discuss the importance of celebrating international days, such as Youth Skills Day, with a specific focus on this day that was celebrated on the day the podcast was recorded (July 15th).

A great occasion to highlight the role that youth is playing in peace building, in the construction of the world and education framework of the future, and how European Universities, in particular through the voices of structures like DEI offices, can help giving young people a voice and plateform to express themselves and their full potential.

A fascininating conversation, full of hope and inspiration ! Listen to the episode here.

The written transcription of the podcast is available at the bottom of this webpage.


Episode 21 | MOXMO: when everything about CHARM-EU comes together!

Text: Podcast new episode title "MOXMO: when everything about CHARM-EU comes together!". Image: CHARM-EU logo with a headset on + picture of a microphone on a light blue background.In this new episode of the podcast, we talk about MOXMO - Montpellier Cross Thematic Mobility. A two-weeks experience where all CHARM-EU students come to Montpellier to address challenges together with local stakeholders.

We sat down with Bianca Nagasawa, junior lecturer at Utrecht University, Alex Braggins Montero, student of the 3rd CHARM-EU cohort and participant of the 2nd edition of MOXMO, Alexandre Pennaneac'h, project manager for SMBT (Syndicat Mixte du Bassin de Thau) and one of the architects of MOXMO, and Jean Peignon, project manager in aquaculture at the continuous education department of the University of Montpellier who submitted a challenge to the student this year.

Together, we discuss all things about MOXMO, from the core values and principles of the seminar, to the challenges faced by the students and the pedagogical team, the solutions they came up with, and what makes MOXMO a unique thing in the world of higher education.

Listen to the episode here.

Episode 20 I The Peace Pod - A Capstone product

Logo of the Peace Pod podcast, representing a microphone in red, with the text "Peace pod" written in red over the microphone.For this special edition of the CHARM-EU podcast, we are delighted to share the Peace Pod, a podcast produced by CHARM-EU students as their capstone project.

The Peace Pod focuses on "Gender Sensitive Peacebuliding", where Laura Finn, Sana Taqdees, Nadira Alia and Stephen Downey present their research on the state of Gender Sensitive Peacebuilding in different spheres and parts of the world that resonates with their respective backgrounds.

They explore the transformative potential of women's empowerment in bulding peace, and discuss the different parameters in making peace sustainable in relation to relevant SGDs.

This fascinating conversation also showcases the diversity of products that can be curated during the Capstone phase of our Master's, and the freedom given to students to shape it their own way.

A must listen for everyone! Listen to the episode here.

Episode 19 I The CHARM-EU Capstone: the epitome of collaboration

Text; Podcast new episode: The CHARM-EU Capstone: the epitome of collaboration. Image: light blue background, CHARM-EU logo with a headset in the top left corner, picture of a microphone on the right.In this new episode of our podcast, Sergio Villanueva, CHARM-EU Director at the University of Barcelona, sat down with Annisa Triyanti, assistant professor at the Copernicus Institue of Sustainable Development at Utrecht University and Capstone coordinator, and Juan-José Boté, professor at the University of Barcelona and CHARM-EU academic supervisor.

Together, they discuss all things Capstone related, from the pedagogical principles, to the matchmaking process of students with their challenges, the interest for external stakeholders to participate, or the challenge for teachers of coordinating interdisciplinary teams.

Listen this fascinating episode to learn more what makes this phase of our Master's so unique for students, teachers and stakeholders, and how it is quickly becoming a best practice of global collaboration to address modern challenges.

Listen to the episode here.

Episode 18 I The CHARM-EU Capstone: by the students, for the students

Text: Podcast new episode title "The CHARM-EU Capstone: by the students, for the students". Image: CHARM-EU logo with a headset on + picture of a microphone on a light blue background.In this next edition of our podcast hosted by Sergio Villanueva, CHARM-EU Director at the University of Barcelona, we discuss with 5 CHARM-EU students of the Master's in Global Challenges for Sustainability about their perspective on the Capstone phase of the programme.

Just fresh of completing that last phase of the Master's programme, they share fascinating insights on what makes the Capstone such a unique component of the CHARM-EU experience. 

Make sure to listen this new episode to learn more about what is the Capstone, the kind of challenges addressed or faced by the students while working with external stakeholders and what they learned from the Capstone.

Listen to the episode here.

Episode 17 | TORCH | From student to entrepreneur

three students with books and a computer

The CHARM-EU podcast is back! In this exciting new episode, we sat down with Aina Maria Serra, and Louis Zoccoli Gourdin, two students from CHARM-EU universities who took on the challenge of starting an entrepreneurial journey in parallel of their studies.

They respectively started Peerpod and Solar Experience, two successful endeavours, and got to experience all the challenges and struggles, but also all the benefits of this unique journey.

Make sure to listen this fascinating conversation to learn more about their experience and perspective on being a student entrepeneur!

Listen to the episode here.

Episode 16 | TORCH | From researcher to entrepreneur/CEO : mission possible !

Group of people thinking research innovation entrepreneurshipThe aim of this episode is to explore how do researchers can become entrepreneurs and the different pathways of academic spin-off creation as a way to valorise the results of public scientific research. The episode also underlines the support system in place within universities for spin-off creation and within national and local innovation ecosystems.

We wish to show our talented researchers that creating an academic-spin off as a way to valorise their research results and bring them to the market in order to have a real impact and participate to societal change is possible, and to present them the support system available within their own university and the national and local innovation ecosystems.

Listen to the episode here.


Episode 15 | Introducing the TORCH Common Science Agenda: strengthening a methodology for action

Infographic TORCHThis episode of the CHARM-EU Podcast will focus on the TORCH methodological approach to create a transdisciplinary SDG-driven Common Science Agenda based in the establishment of a strategic research challenge list. We had the pleasure to host Dr. Andrea Velich from our partner institution, ELTE, and Dr. Albert Diaz, from the University of Barcelona.  An opportunity to present the innovative TORCH methodology designed to create a transdisciplinary Common Science Agenda and discuss the establishment of a list of research challenges that could be further developed as pilot studies. 

Listen to the episode here.

To learn more about methodological process carried out by TORCH partners to obtain a list of research challenges, please access:


Episode 14 | Discussing inclusion and diversity in the higher education sector - Part 3

diversityWe are excited to share the final episode of our CHARM-EU Podcast mini-series, all about inclusion and diversity in the higher education sector. Ágnes Sarolta Fazekas, leader of Work Package 6 (Inclusiveness), has been our guest for this three-episode long series.

In our final episode, following on from discussing the past and present of inclusion and diversity in higher education with an essential attention to the European Union, Ágnes shares her hopes and dreams for these initiatives for the following years. Finally, she concludes with a key message to all various higher education professionals, academic staff, students, experts, CHARM-EU colleagues and the higher education sector as a whole.

Please tune in to find out more!

Ágnes Sarolta Fazekas is an assistant professor, ELTE Eötvös Loránd University, Bárczi Gusztáv Faculty of Special Needs Education, Institute for Disability and Social Participation.

For any inclusion and diversity topics or questions, please do not hesitate to contact her at:






Click here to listen to the episode!


Please download the episode's transcript here!

Episode 13 | Discussing inclusion and diversity in the higher education sector - Part 2

InclusivityPlease tune in to our second episode of the series on diversity and inclusion in the higher education sector, where we sat down with Ágnes Sarolta Fazekas from Eötvös Loránd University, the leader of Work Package 6 (Inclusiveness) at CHARM-EU.

In the second episode of this mini-series, Ágnes provides her professional input on how the social inclusion agenda has evolved in the European Union, especially in the higher education sector. Furthermore, she explores how she envisioned the work of Work Package 6, inclusiveness to unfold in CHARM-EU, what are the challenges and enablers for mainstreaming inclusion and access and participation of a diverse student base in higher education, especially across Europe.  

Ágnes Sarolta Fazekas is an assistant professor, ELTE Eötvös Loránd University, Bárczi Gusztáv Faculty of Special Needs Education, Institute for Disability and Social Participation.

For any inclusion and diversity topics or questions, please do not hesitate to contact her at:

Click here to listen to the episode!

Please download the episode's transcript here.

Episode 12 | CHARM-EU Master's Series - Meet our students

Two people talking As the ’Global Challenges for Sustainability’ master’s has begun this September, we are truly excited to hear the thoughts of our students about their CHARM-EU journey so far, which is why we sat down with two of our students studying at Eötvös Loránd University for a brand-new episode of the CHARM-EU podcast.

Throughout the episode Sarah Streim and Judith Albert share their personal journey that led them to the world of sustainability and CHARM-EU. Furthermore, they discuss their personal experience with CHARM-EU’s innovative teaching and learning approach, and they share the elements of the master’s they are looking forward to the most.

Listen now here!

Episode 11 | Introducing Other European University Alliances

European universities allianceThis episode of the CHARM-EU Podcast will focus on other European Universities Alliances. We had the pleasure to host Sabine Sainte-Rose, from the Aurora Alliance coordinated by Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, and Simone Guccione, a former member of CHARM-EU now involved in the CIVIS Alliance coordinated by Aix-Marseille University.

A really insightful discussion about the goals of the Alliances, the role that European Universities have to play in building the future of higher education in Europe, the challenges faced when building a European University, and how to overcome these obstacles.

Listen now here.

Episode 10 | Discussing inclusion and diversity in the higher education sector - Part 1

InclusionWe sat down with Ágnes Sarolta Fazekas to talk about inclusion and diversity in the higher education sector.
After conducting an extensive interview with Agnes, we are happy to release the first edition of this three-episode long special series of the CHARM-EU Podcast.
The first episode, released today, introduces Ágnes Sarolta Fazekas, CHARM-EU WP6 Inclusiveness Leader and discusses what inclusion and diversity personally mean to her.
Ágnes shares a bit about how the inclusion and diversity agenda has been developing in higher education and explains what successes and challenges higher education have faced in terms of inclusion and diversity.
Ágnes Sarolta Fazekas is an assistant professor, ELTE Eötvös Loránd University, Bárczi Gusztáv Faculty of Special Needs Education, Institute for Disability and Social Participation.
For any inclusion and diversity topics or questions, please do not hesitate to contact her at:

Click here to listen to the episode.

Please download the episode's transcript here.

Episode 9 | Discussing the Water4Future Hackathon

Water4Future Hackathon PosterIn March 2021, Montpellier University partnering with the UNESCO organised the Water4Future Hackathon, a virtual contest that inspires people from all over the world to address water challenges and design a sustainable future. 

This episode of the CHARM-EU Podcast, hosted by Montpellier University’s Elliott Cholet, features Valérie Borrell, an organizer of the event, and Hana Ben Mahrez, a student of Eötvös Loránd University who represented CHARM-EU in the competition’s ’Tree of life’ project. 

Tune in to find out more about the Water4Future Hackathon, its connection to CHARM-EU, and the ’Tree of life’ project.

Click here to listen to the episode.


Episode 8 | Introducing TORCH (Transforming Open Responsible Research and Innovation Through CHARM)

TORCH LogoIn this episode of the CHARM-EU Podcast series, Krisztina Palotás, International Coordinator from Eötvös Loránd University, and the host of our podcast, interviewed Dr. Jordi García Fernández, Vicerector for Research at the University of Barcelona.

They discussed how and why CHARM-EU’S TORCH project (Transforming Open Responsible Research and Innovation through CHARM) came to life, the project’s objectives, and the role of business and civil society in the process of knowledge co-creation. Furthermore, Dr. Jordi García Fernández introduced some of the actions that TORCH will take in order to boost the European research and innovation agenda.

Click here to listen the episode.

Episode 7 | CHARM-EU Master's Series | Introducing the Capstone Phase

cartoon figures putting a puzzle together

This new episode of the CHARM-EU Podcast – Master’s series hosts Marjanneke Vijge from Utrecht University, and Núria Casamitjana from the University of Barcelona who introduce the Capstone phase of the ’Global Challenges for Sustainability’ master’s. 

They discuss the term ’transdisciplinarity’ and how our students can benefit from this practice, addittionally, they discuss the way the capstone phase is set up, its assessment style, and the mobility options you might choose from in this section of your studies. 

Tune in to find out more about the ’Global Challenges for Sustainability’ master’s programme and apply until the 26th of May! 

To find out more about the programme and how to apply follow this link: 

Listen to the episode here.

Episode 6 | The Water theme of the 'Global Challenges for Sustainability' master's flexible phase

Water with CHARM-EU logoFor this episode of the Master’s series of the CHARM-EU Podcast, we sat down with Ádám Tóth, module coordinator of the Water theme in the flexible phase of the ’Global Challenges for Sustainability’ master’s to discuss what the flexible phase, and more specifically the Water theme has to offer to students.

We reflected on the integral part water plays in multiple SDGs, the way in which this theme was designed, and how it brings an innovative approach to those interested to learn more about this element of sustainability.

Listen to the episode here.


Please download the episode's transcript here.

Episode 5 | Introducing the CHARM-EU Toolkit

Computer screen with loupeThis special episode of the CHARM-EU Podcast with Silvia Gallagher from Trinity College Dublin aims to introduce the CHARM-EU toolkit, and how the alliance aims to pass on its new and innovative knowledge to other universities around the world. Listen to the episode here.

Find out more about the CHARM-EU Toolkit here:

Episode 4 | Sustainability Module of the Global Challenges for Sustainability Master's

Hand drawing diagram of people, planet, profit to explain the union of sustainable development concept. In this episode of the CHARM-EU Master’s Podcast series Carole-Anne Senit and Patricia Cucchi, module coordinators of the Sustainability module in the Global Challenges for Sustainability Master's preparatory phase, introduce their module, and reflect on why sustainability is a crucial topic to discuss and learn about in today's world.

They explore the ways in which the sustainability module will be delivered, and what the preparatory phase has to offer to future students. Furthermore, they also reflect on the way the three-phased system is set up, and why the program was designed this way.

Listen to our truly insightful podcast to learn more about what the preparatory phase and sustainability module of the ‘Global Challenges for Sustainability’ master’s course has to offer!  Listen to the episode here.

Episode 3 | Master's in Global Challenges for Sustainability

Poster Master's Global Challenges for SustainabilityIn the first episode of the CHARM-EU Master’s Podcast series Catherine Comiskey, Academic Advisor of the CHARM-EU Master’s, introduces the brand-new master’s course called “Global Challenges for Sustainability”.

She explains the variety of innovative and unique features this programme will offer, such as the programmatic assessment, the e-portfolio and the three phases of the course. Subsequently, she goes on to discuss how the master’s will help the future employability of CHARM-EU students.

Listen to our truly insightful podcast to learn more about what the ‘Global Challenges for Sustainability’ master’s course has to offer! Listen to the episode here.

Episode 2 | Eurpean Universities Initiative and the European Green Deal: the mobility perspective

Yellow Bicycle and arrow painted in a road. In this episode, Tessa Schutte (Utrecht University) talks with Lucy Erdei, CHARM-EU International Coordinator of the Mobility Work Package (ELTE Budapest) about the European Green Deal and the mobility perspective, highlighting he importance of sustainable mobility.  Listen to the episode here.

Episode 1 | CHARM-EU and the European Green Deal

Hand holding a bulb with a three and green sustainable symbols Tim Savage, CHARM-EU Senior Adviser (Trinity College Dublin) talks with our representative student, August Hjelle Petersen-Øverleir (University of Montpelier) about the importance of universities, in particular students, in achieving a sustainable and greener future. Listen the episode here.