Mapping Alliances' R&I Best Practices

Mapping the Alliances R&I Best Practices Around the SwafS Projects Transformational Modules

This poster highlights 32 Alliances’ examples on best practices and outcomes of their R&I projects, organized around the seven transformational modules. All the Alliances’ results are linked within the poster and can be accessed at once. In addition, a contact list regarding the R&I dimension of these Alliances is also included.


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Below, all the posters presented in the conference. 

Module 1: Developing a common R&I agenda and action plan

Module 2: Sharing resources & infrastructures 

Module 3: Strengthening human capital

Module 4: Reinforcing cooperation with non-academic sector 

Module 5: Mainstreaming Open Science practices 

Module 6:Engaging citizens & society 

Module 7: Exploring joint structures