Mapping the Alliances R&I Best Practices Around the SwafS Projects Transformational Modules
This poster highlights 32 Alliances’ examples on best practices and outcomes of their R&I projects, organized around the seven transformational modules. All the Alliances’ results are linked within the poster and can be accessed at once. In addition, a contact list regarding the R&I dimension of these Alliances is also included.
Below, all the posters presented in the conference.
Module 1: Developing a common R&I agenda and action plan
- "TORCH Common Science Agenda - Driving Collaboration and Transdisciplinary Research to Address Global Sustainability Challenges" (CHARM-EU)
- "European partnership for an innovative campus unifying regions" (EPICUR)
- "Jointly shaping and artistic research agenda" (FilmEU)
- "Professional Research Programmes for Business & Society" (RUN EU PLUS)
- "Identifying the capacities and synergies of Ulysseus alliances members and barriers to realising their full potential" (ULYSSEUS)
- "Developping a Common Research and Innovation Agenda" (AURORA)
Module 2: Sharing resources & infrastructures
- "TRAIN4EU+ Sharing Research Infrastructure" (4EU+)
- "Research Infrastructure (RI) activities of EDUC Alliance in EDUC-SHARE project" (EDUC)
- "Sharing resources and infrastructures in the Re-UNITA project" (UNITA)
- "Opening up research infrastructures and resources (RIs) across Una Europa: The journey so far" (Una Europa)
- "Research for Society" (EU-CONEXUS)
Module 3: Strengthening human capital
- "Strengthening human capital through Research Activities, Research Mobility, and Training Opportunities" (CIVICA)
- "Fostering Well-being Skills and Competencies for Early career and Mid-career Researchers" (EUniWell)
Module 4: Reinforcing cooperation with non-academic sector
- "Sustainable Entrepreneurship and Innovation Ecosystems" (ENHANCE)
- "Fostering Innovation and Reinforcing the European University Alliance for Global Health’s cooperation with the business sector and other relevant stakeholders" (EUGLOH).
- Co-designing/Co-Creating/Co-Delivering for Democritising Knowledge" (SEA-EU)
- "Reinforcing Collaboration with the Non-Academic Sector A Case Study From Reykjavik University" (NeuroTech)
Module 5: Mainstreaming Open Science practices
- "How the European Universities Initiative Contributes to the Advancement of Open Science" (ERUA)
- "Revolutionizing Research: Open Science Takes Center Stage in Eutopia" (EUTOPIA)
- "Joint Strategy for Open Science" (Transform4Europe)
- "Mainstreaming the Open Science within the Arqus Alliance" (Arqus)
- "Challenges of the Research Assessment Reform in the European University Alliances" (CIVIS)
Module 6:Engaging citizens & society
- "Engaging Citizens and Society"(Circle U.)
- "Engaging citizens and society through the ECIU SMART-ER virtual research institute" (ECIU)
- "Engaged Research is Advanced with Societal Partners rather than 'for' them" (UNIC)
Module 7: Exploring joint structures
- "Facilitating new research collaboration and links between ENLIGHT universities through thematic focus groups" (ENLIGHT)
- "Fostering Institutional Transformation of R&I Policies in European Universities" (FORTHEM)
- "Experimentation to Transform Research Activities and Steering" (EUt+)