You can download the detailed programme of the Science with and for Society in European Universities Aliances - Cross-Alliances Forum 2023 here.
Venue: Université libre de Bruxelles, Avenue Jeanne 44, 1050 Ixelles, S building, 1st floor, Salle Eugène Dupréel
How to arrive:
Hybrid sessions will be made available for online attendance here: CIVIS a European Civic University - YouTube
DAY 1 - 30 November - Morning - Policy | The future of R&I in European Universities Alliances
8:30 - 9:00: Registration
9:00 - 9:05: Welcome by presenters
- Olga Wessels (ECIU and FOREU1 Chair)
- Ludovic Thilly (EC2U and FOREU2 Chair)
9:05 - 9:30 Keynote: The EC Strategy to Support the Development of the European Alliances R&I Dimension
- Ludovic Thilly (EC2U and FOREU2 Chair)
- Manuel Aleixo (DG RTD, Head of Unit ERA Spreading excellence & Research careers)
- Marc Tachelet (REA, Director of European Research Executive Agency)
Hybrid session
9:30 - 10:30 Plenary Session: Looking to the Future: The European Universities Alliances R&I Dimension
- Olga Wessels (ECUI and Chairing FOREU1)
- Carsten Schneider (CIVICA)
- Manuel Aleixo (DG RTD, Head of Unit ERA Spreading excellence & Research careers)
- Ludovic Thilly (EC2U)
- Christian Inard (EU-CONEXUS)
- Raul Ramos (CHARM-EU)
- Sébastian Le Picard (EDUC)
- Jaime Llorca (CHARM-EU)
Hybrid session
10:30 - 11:00 Group photo and Coffee break
11:00 - 11:30 Plenary session: Assessment of the R&I impact of the European Universities alliances - reports by Commission and REA experts
- Olga Wessels (ECUI and Chairing FOR-EU1)
- Fionn O’Sullivan (TetraTech, Commission contractor)
- Helena Acheson (Director. Europe, UI Global, Commission expert)
- Gareth O’Neill (Technopolis, Commission expert)
Hybrid session
11:30 - 12:30 Panel session: From Agenda Setting to Implementation: Maximizing the Institutional Impact of the SwafS Projects
- Ludovic Thilly (EC2U and FOREU2 Chair)
- Katarzyna Molek-Kozakowska (FORTHEM)
- Siobhan Moane (RUN-EU PLUS)
- David Dreyer Lassen (TRAIN4EU+)
- Sven Idarand (Transform4Europe)
- Laura Martin (SEA-EU)
- Nicole Birkle (FORTHEM)
- Agnese Rusakova (FORTHEM)
Hybrid session
12:30 - 14:00: Lunch break
DAY 1 - 30 November - Afternoon - Alliances | Showcasing the SwafS Outcomes: Best Practices and Lessons Learned
14:00 - 16:00 Workshop sessions
Workshop 1 – Advancing Our Common Science Agendas: building joint structures and support offices, pooling resources, capacity building, human capital, etc.
- Tania van Loon (EUTOPIA)
- Eva Martin (EUTOPIA)
- Louise Wallenberg (CIVIS)
- Siegfried Walch (Ulysseus)
- Isabel Salgueiro (EELISA)
- Ulla Harmala (CIVIS)
Workshop 2 – Pilots and Action Plans: what are the SwafS projects leaving for future developments of the Alliances’ R&I dimension
- Elena del Giorgio (4EU+)
- Mattia Bellotti (EUTOPIA)
- Sigríður Beck (MB TRAIN EUTOPIA)
- Sophia Karner (Una Europa)
- Manuel José Damásio (FILM-EU)
- Ladislav Kristoufek (4EU+)
- Miriam Koktvedgaard Zeitzen (TRAIN4EU+ Project Manager)
Workshop 3 – Reforming Research Assessment
- Fernando Cornet (Arqus)
- Antonio Ferrer-Montiel (NeuroTech)
- Andrea Tokic (EU-CONEXUS)
- Prof. Eva Mendez (YUFE)
- Joachim Reidl (Arqus)
- Edita Lenkauskaitė (EU-CONEXUS)
Workshop 4 – Inter- and Trans-disciplinarity in research management
- Natalia Tikhonov Sigrist (Circle U., UCLouvain)
- Anouk Tso (EPICUR, Universiteit van Amsterdam)
- Kathrin Wieck (ENHANCE, TU Berlin)
- Esther Chiama & Marco Aperti (UNIC, EU Rotterdam)
- Thrasyvoulos Tsiatsos (EPICUR, AU Thessalonic)
- Nora Korp (EPICUR)
16:00 - 16:30 Break
16:30 - 17:30 Interactive Poster Session
Posters around 7 transformational modules:
Module 1: Developing a common R&I agenda and action plan
- "TORCH Common Science Agenda - Driving Collaboration and Transdisciplinary Research to Address Global Sustainability Challenges" presented by Vicente Royuela (CHARM-EU)
- "European partnership for an innovative campus unifying regions" presented by Birgitta Alexandra Kappes (EPICUR)
- "Jointly shaping and artistic research agenda" presented by Lies Van de Vijver (FilmEU)
- "Professional Research Programmes for Business & Society" presented by Siobhán Moane (RUN EU PLUS)
- "Identifying the capacities and synergies of Ulysseus alliances members and barriers to realising their full potential" presented by Saranne Comel (ULYSSEUS)
- "Developping a Common Research and Innovation Agenda", presented by Auður Inga Rúnarsdóttir (Aurora)
Module 2: Sharing resources & infrastructures
- "TRAIN4EU+ Sharing Research Infrastructure" presented by Anne Jürgens (4EU+)
- "Research Infrastructure (RI) activities of EDUC Alliance in EDUC-SHARE project" presented by Ondřej Hradil (EDUC)
- "Sharing resources and infrastructures in the Re-UNITA project" presented by Juan Ignacio Garcés Gregorio (UNITA)
- "Opening up research infrastructures and resources (RIs) across Una Europa: The journey so far" presented by Veerle Bruggeman (Una Europa)
- "Research for Society", presented by Rasa Krole (EU-CONEXUS)
Module 3: Strengthening human capital
- "Strengthening human capital through Research Activities, Research Mobility, and Training Opportunities", presented by Zeïneb Mazouz and Sarah Thompson (CIVICA)
- "Fostering Well-being Skills and Competencies for Early career and Mid-career Researchers", presented by Giorgia Giovannetti (EUniWell)
Module 4: Reinforcing cooperation with non-academic sector
- "Sustainable Entrepreneurship and Innovation Ecosystems", presented by ENHANCE.
- "Fostering Innovation and Reinforcing the European University Alliance for Global Health’s cooperation with the business sector and other relevant stakeholders", presented by Eric Cassan (EUGLOH).
- Co-designing/Co-Creating/Co-Delivering for Democritising Knowledge", presented by Christian Wagner-Ahlfs (SEA-EU)
- "Reinforcing Collaboration with the Non-Academic Sector A Case Study From Reykjavik University", presented by Ásgeir Jónsson (NeuroTech)
Module 5: Mainstreaming Open Science practices
- "How the European Universities Initiative Contributes to the Advancement of Open Science", presented by Maximilian Heber (ERUA)
- "Revolutionizing Research: Open Science Takes Center Stage in Eutopia", presented by Elisa Maes (EUTOPIA)
- "Joint Strategy for Open Science", presented by Transform4Europe
- "Mainstreaming the Open Science within the Arqus Alliance", presented by Luisa Bernstorff (Arqus)
- "Challenges of the Research Assessment Reform in the European University Alliances", presented by CIVIS
Module 6:Engaging citizens & society
- "Engaging Citizens and Society", presented by Circle U.
- "Engaging citizens and society through the ECIU SMART-ER virtual research institute", presented by Prof. Xavier Gabarrell i Durany (ECIU)
- "Engaged Research is Advanced with Societal Partners rather than 'for' them", presented by Marco Aperti and Esther Chiama (UNIC)
Module 7: Exploring joint structures
- "Facilitating new research collaboration and links between ENLIGHT universities through thematic focus groups", presented by Dirk De Craemer (ENLIGHT)
- "Fostering Institutional Transformation of R&I Policies in European Universities", presented by Fabrizio D'Avenia (FORTHEM)
- "Experimentation to Transform Research Activities and Steering", presented by Dr. Janina Fengel (EUt+)
DAY 2 - 1 December - Morning | Inspiring the Future of R&I in Europe
8:30 - 9:00: Registration
9:00 - 9:45 Plenary Session: Boosting Excellence within the European R&I Ecosystem through the European Universities Alliances
- Olga Wessels (ECIU and Chairing FOREU1)
- Isabella Baer-Eiselt (EU-CONEXUS)
- Tudor-Trestieni Ion (DG RTD, Head of sector, R&I actors and research careers)
- Frédéric Marias (UNITA)
- Joakim Esbjörnsson (EUGLOH)
- Marius Gilbert (CIVIS)
- Marie Ugeux, Communication and Dissemination leader (CIVIS)
Hybrid session
9:45 - 10:00 Break
10:00 - 11:30 Roundtable sessions with coffee
Roundtable 1 – Taking care of the knowledge square: holistic support for a holistic handling of all four dimensions (broader vision)
- Pr Elizabeth Macintyre (Circle U.)
- Vinicius de Carvalho (Circle U.)
- Michael Zacherle (EPICUR)
- Christian Iaione (ENGAGE.EU)
- Marc Vanholsbeeck, Belgian Science Policy
- Ragnhild Solvi Berg, Norwegian Directorate
- Birgitta Kappes (EPICUR)
Roundtable 2 - Research Ethics & Integrity: The Role of New Technologies
- Javier Valls (Arqus)
- Aphra Kerr (CHARM-EU)
- Ladislav Kristoufek (4EU+)
- Mihalis Kritikos (DG RTD, Policy Analyst in Research Ethics and Integrity Sector)
- Blanca Burillo Lago (CHARM-EU)
Roundtable 3 – Responsible R&I: Fostering Societal Engagement & Involving External Stakeholders
- Arnaud Regnauld (ERUA)
- Carole Brunet (ERUA)
- Timo Taskinen (FORTHEM)
- Dana Strauss (EC2U)
- Beatrix Busse (EUniWell)
- Pádraig Murphy (ECIU)
- Claire Douet (ERUA)
- Agnese Rusakova (FORTHEM)
11:30 - 12:30 Plenary session: Conclusions from workshops and roundtables and next steps
- Ludovic Thilly (EC2U and FOREU2 Chair)
- Sergei Guriev (CIVICA)
- Minna Wilkki (REA, Head of Department C, European Research Executive Agency)
- Olga Wessels (ECIU)
- Ludovic Thilly (EC2U)
- Auður Inga Rúnarsdóttir (Aurora)
- Sarah Thompson (CIVICA)
Hybrid session