Work Packages and Deliverables

WP1 & WP2: Governance and Project Management

Goal: Leading the Project according to the shared values, vision, and strategy of the CHARM-EU Alliance; as well as managing the organizational, technical, administrative, and financial matters.

Coordinator: University of Barcelona


1.1 - Project Governance

1.2 - Management of the Grant Agreement and the Consortium Agreement

1.3 - Project Management

2.1 - Project Governance

2.2 - Management of the Grant Agreement and the Consortium Agreement

2.3 - Project Management 

WP3: Cross Cutting Principles

Goal: To understand engagement on Interdisciplinarity/Trandisciplinarity, Research Ethics and integrity and Gendered Innovation. Also focuses on generating knowledge around the points of connectivity between the three cross cutting areas in terms of current practices, best practice and gap analysis.

Coordinator: Trinity College Dublin


3.1 - Landscape Analysis

3.2 - Best Practice & Gap Analysis

3.3 - Forum & Integration

WP4: Common Science Agenda

Goal: To develop the list of challenges the CHARM-EU alliance faces in each thematic area, from institutions strengths and complementarity.

Coordinator: University of Barcelona


4.1 - Institutions Strengths and Complementarity Analysis for Each Thematic Area

4.2 - Transdisciplinarity Common Challenge Agenda and State of the Art

4.3 - Implementing the Common Science Agenda

WP5: Strengthening Cooperation Between Universities and Enterprises

Goal: Developing strategies to connect universities with various other actors of the innovation ecosystem, notably business to foster entrepreneurship, uptake of new technologies and innovation, and to partner with investors to facilitate access to finance.

Coordinator: University of Montpellier


5.1 - Analysis on How Alliance’s Partners Associate with Non-academic-actors

5.2 - Best Practices, Procedures and Tools to Detect Innovation

5.3 - Analysis on Spin-off Creation’s Approaches

5.4 - Comparative Analysis on Student Entrepreneurship Support Methods

WP6: Mainstreaming of Comprehensive Open Science Practices

Goal: To support a more innovative Europe, to democratize scientific knowledge, and to address the main global challenges of the 21st century in harmony with the challenge-driven and research-based principle characteristics of the CHARM-EU Alliance.

Coordinator: Eötvös Loránd University


6.1 - CHARM-EU Open Science Scope

6.2 - Design of the CHARM-EU Open Science Community Dashboard

WP7: Public Engagement

Goal: To collect and share existing modalities and practices for stimulating co-creation of challenge driven research and innovation with societal stakeholders and to further “democratization of science”.

Coordinator: Utrecht University


7.1 - Existing Experiences: Transdisciplinary Research

7.2 - Existing Experiences: Democratisation of Science

7.3 - Best Practices in With Transdisciplinary Research

7.4 - Existing Experiences: Balancing of Mono-disciplinary and Transdisciplinary Science

7.5 - Best practices: Balancing Mono-disciplinary and Transdisciplinary Science

WP8: Common Policies and Strategies

Goal: To develop integrated RRI strategies and policies within the CHARM-EU Alliance. This WP is focused on the impact of an interconnected RRI on research assessment, and on guiding the development of action plans and pilots to progress RRI principles within the Alliance.

Coordinator: Trinity College Dublin


8.1 - Interconnectivity & Policy/Strategy Development

8.2 - Propose Policy/Strategy Development

8.3 - Development of Draft Strategies/Policies

8.4 - Draft Common Integrated RRI Recommendations Framework

8.5 - Cost-benefit Analysis

8.6 - 3rd Draft Strategies/Polices

8.7 - Review of Strategy/Policy & Common Recommendations Framework

WP9: Action Plans and Pilots

Goal: To initiate the institutional transformation of the member universities within CHARM-EU's R&I, by testing and implementing specific actions resulting from the strategy building work of WP8.

Coordinator: Eötvös Loránd University


9.1 - Selection of Action Plans and Pilots

9.2 - Development of Action Plans

9.3 - Implementation of Pilot Activities

9.4 - Open Science Skills Training and Education

9.5 - Pilots Final Report with Recommendations

WP10 & WP11: Communication and Dissemination

Goal: To define and implement a comprehensive strategy to maximize both the communication and dissemination of the project and its results. Target audiences consist of R&I organizations at European and other international levels, with strong emphasis on European universities and their major stakeholders, including the whole citizenship and the media to create public awareness around the action.

Coordinator: University of Barcelona


10.1 - Communication

10.2 - Dissemination

10.3 - Collaboration with Other Alliances

11.1 - Communication

11.2 - Dissemination

11.3 - Collaboration with other alliances

Work Plan

The work plan is divided into two reporting periods: first and second half of the project (month 18). Governance & Project Management is split into these two periods (WP1 and WP2, respectively). The same way as WP10 and WP11 (Communication & Dissemination).

The core of the project comprises 3 phases:

· Phase 1: Current Situation, Best Practice and Gap Analysis. Organized in five different work packages that allow a deep analysis in each university (WP3-WP7, months 1-15).

· Phase 2: Policies and Strategy. Corresponds to WP8, that integrates the results of the first phase to build de common R&I agenda (months 16-36).

· Phase 3: Actions Plans and Pilots. Developed by WP9 (months 24-36).

TORCH Work Packages Progress