Action Plans and Pilots

The TORCH Project has developed across two distinct phases: the first one focused on landscape and gap analysis around certain Transformational Modules; while the second one was dedicated to defining a set of Policies/Strategies (priority areas), emerging from the previous analysis and in line with the ERA Policy Agenda, which guide the future CHARM-EU R&I dimension:

  1. Working towards reforming Research Assessment.
  2. Fostering Equality, Diversity, and Inclusivity.
  3. Championing Open Science.
  4. Promoting inter- and transdisciplinary research driven by societal challenges.
  5. Intensifying cooperation between universities.

These priority areas provided a framework for the design and implementation of seven Pilots and the formulation of five Action Plans. Experience gained from these actions was then retrospectively used to shape and refine the Policies/Strategies. You can find below a brief summary on all the initiatives TORCH carried out during this second phase to fine-tune common strategies and potentially bridge CHARM-EU’s first common R&I efforts to future collaborations.


Table summarising TORCH priority areas, action pland and pilots

1. Working Towards Reforming Research Assessment

European University Alliances are well placed to lead on pioneering a new researcher assessment framework in line with the CoARA principles. Within this priority area, TORCH puts forward an Action Plan aimed at trialling a comprehensive new assessment framework across for CHARM-EU through a shared manifesto.

AP1: Manifesto on Research Assessment

Brief description: Drafting a joint manifesto for CHARM-EU, summarizing the main findings and gaps in research assessment identified by TORCH. Building on existing work, it will be an ambitious and forward-looking document, which will contribute to the vision of Research Assessment pathways for CHARM in line with CoARA’s principles.

Status: In progress.


2. Fostering Equality, Diversity and Inclusivity

The purpose of this strategy is to outline the principles and proposed actions to promote and champion intersectional gender equality within CHARM-EU, including its R&I dimension as established and further shaped by TORCH. Following the commitments and recommendations expressed by the European Commission, this strategy intends to foster appropriate principles and actions in relation to the intersection of gender with other personal characteristics or identities and potential grounds for discrimination and inequality. Within this work, this strategy intends to ensure equal opportunities, non-discrimination, and inclusive work cultures for everyone, regardless of their sex, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, age, racial or ethnic origin, socio-economic status, disability, and other similar grounds.

P1: Enhanced Equality Data

Brief description: Report on our universities’ practices regarding the collection of equality data (including gender pay gap).

Status: Already completed. Working paper in progress.


  • Working paper on EDI data collection: coming soon
  • D9.5 - Pilot Final Report: coming soon

AP2: R&I Section of CHARM-EU Inclusivity Plan

Brief description: The CHARM-EU Inclusivity Plan was developed to highlight mainstreaming inclusiveness and diversity in the Alliance’s organisational culture and all operational areas. This action plan is aimed at compiling material on diversity & inclusivity regarding R&I within the CHARM context and making it available with the rest of the relevant CHARM documents.

Status: In progress.



3. Championing Open Science

This priority area aims to provide Open Science guidance to all research-related activities of the CHARM-EU Alliance, i.e., activities that are carried out primarily: a) in the framework of joint projects of the Alliance (educational, R&I or any other field); b) by one of the members or in the cooperation of two or more members of the alliance that is in any way linked with any of the Alliance’s scope, operation or principles.

P2: OS Rewards and Recognition Toolbox

Brief description: First steps of creating a comprehensive toolbox of Open Science rewards and recognition, piloted through one call of a CHARM-EU Open Science Recognition Award, and based on the results coming from the landscape and gap analysis.

Status: Already completed.


P3: Citizen Science Training

Brief description: Certified training programme on Citizen Science conducted at UB, organized in collaboration with Citizen Science NOW and Taula del Tercer Sector (an association uniting civil society organizations in Catalonia).

Status: Already completed.


P4: OS Training

Brief description: An Open Science training online and in hybrid format, offered to staff members of CHARM-EU, and conducted at ELTE.

Status: Already completed.



4. Promoting Inter-/Transdisciplinary Research Driven by Societal Challenges

Two main driving forces for advancing the CHARM-EU Common Science Agenda were identified within this priority area: a) the need to build up a joint strategy to support the development of research challenges within the CHARM-EU framework and b) the importance of inter/trans/multidisciplinary research in the vision, goals and strategic priorities of the institutions.

P5: Joint support Strategy for Research Projects

Brief description: A comprehensive series of actions in research support. This pilot covered the first steps of creating an Alliance-level procedure of supporting joint transdisciplinary research proposals and creating inter-institutional cooperation between research support units. The development of research challenges (both under individual coordination of each university and altogether) was tested. Some online resources to map research support and foster collaboration in research projects were also created.

Already completed.


AP3: Joint Support for Research Projects

Brief description: A two-step procedure to be carried out, first, to establish a sound Network among the Alliance partners’ Research Management and Administration (RMA) offices and, second, to explore the long-term strategic goal of creating of a CHARM-EU Joint Virtual Research Support Office. The main objective is to encourage transdisciplinary collaborative research among the partner institutions, as well as to support the future development the CHARM-EU R&I strategy and sustainability.

Status: In progress.


  • Poster: TORCH Common Science Agenda: coming soon


5. Intensifying R&I Cooperation Between Universities

The purpose of this area is to articulate the CHARM-EU partners' commitment and pathway to a structured and collaborative approach that provides a framework for joint and shared R&I-related activities. It is in line with the expectations of the European context and aims to ensure a long-term sustainable and effective collaboration within the Alliance, considering its Mission & Vision and Cross Cutting Principles.


Brief description:  A series of meetings and workshops on specific topics addressed at researchers. Linked to TORCH’s core purpose of supporting the creation of multidisciplinary research proposals, the first CHARM-EU R&I Days event was organized in Barcelona.

Status: Already completed.


P7: TTOs Network

Brief description: Creation of a virtual network of Technology Transfer Offices.

Status: Already completed.


  • D9.5 - Pilot Final Report: coming soon

AP4: Expedited Ethics Approval Pathway

Brief description: Exploration of a CHARM-specific expedited ethical approval pathway for research proposals, wherein approval in the hosting/coordinating institution would enable other CHARM institutions involved in the proposed project to process the application with less time and resource commitments.

Status: In progress.

AP5: Research Infrastructures Catalogue

Brief description: Creation of a common Research Infrastructure Catalogue and its potential applications. Design of protocols for common and open use of Research Infrastructures.

Status: In progress.